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Understanding The Relevance Of Chronic Pain – An Osteopathic Perspective

Chronic pain whether consistent or variable is a signal the regulatory mechanisms and system both voluntary and involuntary are not co-ordinating, working in concert or a poor association has developed biomechanically, biophysically, gastrointestinal, biochemically and / or psychologically.

Chronic or persistent pain (> 6 weeks duration) does not have to be, and rarely is conceived from an initial incident. The poor development that generally leads to a chronic pain or restrictive state through the above mentioned systems creates the intolerance to what we feel every day, pressure.

The formulation of pressure in a static state is generally a result of congestive circulation, compromised vascular fluid dynamics. The loss of constitutional resilience and adaptability to different degree of pressure can fluctuate the sensitivity mechanisms developing inconsistent rhythm, regulation and therefore voluntary behaviour.

This negative development or loss of capacity away from potential biophysical ability reduces the multi – dimensional range of the system into a more convoluted registered normal. This will develop compression through the articulation, adhesion / swelling / congestion through the connective tissue (Fascia / Tendon / Ligament), fibrosis through the contractile tissue (Muscle) and loss of motility through the visceral (Organ) tissue as the respiratory mechanisms work through increased resistance.

When trying to resolve or manage any chronic pain state redevelopment of the structural format, recondition of the functional state, decongestion of the gastrointestinal and visceral apparatus, mental focus, thinking and agility and the lifestyle factors that can play a epigenetic role in manifestation should all play a role in recovery.